You are allowed to take up space

I sit at this keyboard debating: do I write today? What do I write? Will people actually want to read it? Does it feel true to my heart? Do I email it out? Do I just quietly post it on my blog and leave it be?

The truth is, this is a frequent debate in my mind. I have for most of my life struggled with my desire to put myself front and center and my fear of taking up space. One coming from a place of true wanting and creative force. The other coming from a place of fear and societal conditioning.

So often the creative part of me wins. But more often the fear side claims victory. Which is a fucking shame.

I have always loved that my friend Bryce committed to writing every day - because he was, in doing so, able to overcome his demons and just write one small thing every day that reflected what he wanted to say to the world.

I have a lot to say. Every day I have things to say. And so often, I choose not to.

I wish I could sit here and declare this the end of not saying, but I know that will not be the case. I will still struggle, still question, still choose not to share with enough frequency that it matters.

But I will take this opportunity of lucidity and open-heartedness to remind myself, and therefore you, that you are allowed to take up space.

You are allowed to want to be seen.

And you should do whatever feeds that for you, on whatever cadence you feel most comfortable.

For me, I’ll be practicing taking up space in conversations, in your inboxes, in meetings (which I do a pretty good job of already, if I do say so myself), in coaching sessions, and in… life.
