Bliss Beats: Lazerdisk EP "Melange"

Absolutely love this EP. It's fun & funky - the way great music is headed these days. Plus one of the tracks features The Knocks. Enjoy! xx  

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Bliss Beats: Anjunabeats vol 11

The boys behind Above & Beyond released Anjunabeats Volume 11 today, a collection of some of the most melodic, beautiful trance-ish releases of the year. Anjunabeats never disappoints, and I have high hopes for the new compilation. Plus, nothing brightens up a rainy day like soul-soothing beats, emotional lyrics, and airy vocals.

Check it out on Spotify or grab a copy today.


  [spotify id="spotify:album:63CCluNcVM4wTPTjmJYnak" width="300" height="380" /]