Daily Gratitudes #6

Yesterday I had my first lazy day in a long, long while. I really enjoyed it and only had about 3 moments of "I have to get out of the house and be productive" anxiety. Much better than usual :) Here are my gratitudes:

1. I cooked a very simple, thai-inspired meal with leftovers for DAYS. Very excited to eat this again tonight

2. I got to catch up with a friend I haven't seen for a while at one of my favorite bars for an intimate chat and a few glasses of red wine: The Immigrant.

3. So much House of Cards binge-watching means my mind is part Claire today (I'm definitely not conniving enough to be part Frank).

4. Passionfruit is back at Pinkberry. Eff. yes. Side note, Pinkberry also just announced they're carrying these new Maria Sharapova gummy candies, which really made me laugh. They're called things like "flirty" and "cheeky." Umm, what?

5. A clean apartment + new sheets = joy.